First Time Using a Planer Molder?

We will help you get started.

It’s easy to order, and we have a wealth of information that we are happy to share with you.


A. Order by Part number from one of our online (or printed) catalogues.

B. Custom knives. Email, text, or fax us an end view of the piece of wood that you want to make. Either an end view of an actual wood piece, a tracing of the wood piece (with pen, not pencil, so it transmits), a CAD drawing (dwg, dxf, pdf), or a rough sketch are fine. We just need two measurements included: the overall width and the thickness (thickest point of the wood) – even if you scan or trace to scale.

In either case please be sure to let us know the make and model of machine that you are running, as well as which cutterhead.

Several planer-molders have a three slot head, some have two slots, etc. While others have a choice of more than one type of head.

Technical Questions/ Information:

Please email us you technical questions about knives and cutting applications for either your planer-molder or shaper. Whether you are already a customer, or you are a future customer, we are happy to reply (normally in the same business day).

Please email us you technical questions about knives and cutting applications for either your planer-molder or shaper. Whether you are already a customer, or you are a future customer, we are happy to reply (normally in the same business day).

We also have information and pointers scattered throughout our website.

Contact information for Technical Questions and sending Drawings:

Text: 1-902-899-5456
Web Site: