Great Prices and Next Day Delivery to most areas - Even on Custom Knives!We make knives to fit Logosol, W&H, Shop Fox, Baker, Woodmaster, Jet, Powermatic, Craftsman, General International, RBI, Foley-Belsaw, King, Craftex, Weinig, SCM, Silver, Holytek, Leadermac and virtually every other brand of molder and shaper.
First Time Using a Planer Molder?We will help you get started. It's easy to order, and we have a wealth of information that we are happy to share with you.Click here for Price List For Woodmaster, Jet, Foley Belsaw, Craftex, Craftsman, General 30-100 M1, King, Laguna, Powermatic, and RBI planer molders. For knives for Williams & Hussey, Shop Fox and General 30-120 planer/molders.
WE HAVE a large inventory of molding knives for Woodmaster, RBI , Foley Belsaw , Craftex, Craftsman, General International, Grizzly, Jet, King, Powermatic, Shop Fox, Williams and Hussey, Logosol, Baker, and Wood-Mizer molders.
CHOOSE FROM over 500+ catalog patterns (all in stock) or we will accurately duplicate Your sample or drawing.
THE CUTTING EDGE We pioneered a new and better way to manufacture molding knives . Using state-of the-art CNC technology our knives are machined in house to exacting tolerances from the finest tool steels available. Compare our knives in actual usage; they cut cleaner and stay sharp longer.
IF YOU MAKE MOLDlNGS You should have our 108 page catalog. It contains crisp full scale drawings representing 500+ of our most popular profiles plus helpful production hints. A hard copy of our profile book can be ordered for $9.95 (includes shipping) or you can download it in PDF format for FREE.
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